proNotes Tips and Tricks
Other than doing what proNotes does best, keep your information organized and help you find it quickly, proNotes does some cool things you may not know about.
Use Snapshots and URL Snapshots
proNotes allows you to store the current main window state (i.e. a selected category, title, note, search text, etc.) as a Snapshot. Once the Snapshot is saved in the Snapshot Bar or Snapshot Menu you can switch to that window state with one click. I use Snapshots to quickly access notes with important phone numbers or attachments I access frequently. URL Snapshots are just like bookmarks in your browser. Click on an URL Snapshot and you'll go to your web page in your default browser. Create a Snaphsot by pressing the "+" sign to the right of the Snapshot bar or select "Add a Snapshot…" from the "Snapshots" menu.
A demonstration of this can be found in this video on the proNotes home page.